Morehouse College Immunization Requirements

Deadlines to Upload by Semester

  • Fall Semester deadline to upload is June 1st
  • Spring Semester deadline to upload is December 1st

Instructions on How to Upload Records


We strongly suggest you utilize the forms provided above to ensure all required information is included.

Program Requirements

The following is a list of all required immunizations according to Program Enrollment that must be completed before and during student enrollment and matriculation at Morehouse College.


Doses Required

Special Notes

Tetanus Diphtheria (Tdap or Td)

1 dose within last 10 years

Must remain current throughout

Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) 

2 doses OR a positive titer

Vaccines must have been given on
or after 1st birthday. Students born
before 1957 are not required to
receive vaccination. 

Meningitis Conjugate or Men

2 doses

2nd dose must be given after age 16

Hepatitis B

2 or 3 dose series

Either the 2 dose or 3 dose series is
required depending on the age the
vaccines were administered 


2 doses OR a positive titer

History of Varicella alone is not

Meningitis B Vaccine

2 or 3 dose series of either Bexsero or Trumenba Meningococcal vaccine

Required for all students 21 years old or younger and any student living in the dormitories.

Recommended for graduate students living off campus.

If your last dose was received >5 years ago, a booster dose is recommended. Please discuss with your health care provider.

Tuberculosis Testing

1 of the 3 options below are
required within the last year:
1) PPD skin test
2) IGRA/QuantiFERON Gold
3) T-Spot

PPD documentation requirements:

  • Date of placement
  • Site of placement
  • Results documented in
    mm induration
  • Name of provider who
    read results
  • Date of reading

A chest-ray is required for a
previous positive PPD or a new
positive PPD with 10 mm or greater
induration. Chest x-ray is also
required for those who have
previously had the BCG vaccine. X
ray result report will be required if
necessary. - Documentation of INH
or other TB treatment must be
provided if applicable and a repeat
chest x-ray in 6 months following

Morehouse College strongly recommends the following vaccines:

  • HPV
  • Hepatitis A
  • COVID-19


A medical exemption shall be granted upon receipt of a written statement from a healthcare provider indicating the nature and duration of the medical condition which contraindicates the immunization, along with the specific vaccine identified as detrimental to the student’s health. Medical exemptions expire when the medical condition(s) contraindicating immunization change in a manner which permits immunization, or they may be permanent:

  1. Exemptions are granted on the grounds of pregnancy. An estimated confinement must be provided. Submission of immunization(s) is required once pregnancy ends.

  2. Religious exemptions are permitted when immunizations contradict the student’s religious belief. However, a TB skin test is required, unless medically contraindicated. Religious exemptions require a notary.

In the event of an outbreak of any of the vaccine preventable diseases required by Morehouse College, students with exemptions will be required to leave campus immediately for their protection, until the outbreak has ended. 

If you have questions regarding compliance requirements, please reach out to our office.  Please allow up to 10 business days for review of submitted exemption requests.  You will receive feedback via a message in the Point and Click Portal.

Student Health and Wellness Center
455 Lee Street SW, Suite 300A
Atlanta, GA 30310
Phone number: (404) 756-1241